
Short story

Hi everyone! In my past life I was selling military equipement at some large industrial company in central Russia.

At some point I got so upset and tired with how things were evolving in the industry that I decided to find a hobby in attempt to mitigate the feeling of upcoming burnout.

And it so happend that what I found appeared to be one of the most exciting and joyfull parts of my life: programming in Python.

From that moment the only thing I could imagine myself doing at woek is coding, building web apps specifically.

So right now I'm on my journey to reach this goal and become a professional Python backend dev :rocket:.

My technical stack:

  • Python 3
  • Django 3 (also 2)
  • Django Rest Framework 3 (also 2)
  • Django ORM
  • SQL
  • Linux
  • Docker, Docker-compose
  • Git
  • GitHub, GitHub Actions

Things I'm most intrested in:

  • Python 3
  • API's
  • CLI apps

Things I'm currently working on:

  • pharmacy - a digital first aid kit
  • zvukiStats - a CLI program for an external web API

Things I'd like to learn next (educational queue):

  • Web scraping with Python
  • Build API's with Fast API
  • SQL Alchemy
  • JavaScript